Durban, South Africa – CareerKit, an Afrocentric career development platform, is on a mission to change the narrative of youth unemployment and lack of self-actualization in Africa.
With a focus on the unique needs of African youth, CareerKit aims to liberate young minds from the challenges of unemployment and inspire them to realize their full potential through engaging, accessible, and educational tools. Our innovative solutions, such as the RIASEC Board Game and Specialized Career Kits, are here to reshape how young people understand themselves, their career paths, and their future.
Former South African president Thabo Mbeki once posed the crucial question: “What is the Africa we want, and what leadership is required for this Africa?” At CareerKit, we have an answer. We envision an Africa where every young person has the tools to explore their purpose, the guidance to understand their passions, and the resources to bring those passions to life. We believe that true leadership lies in helping others realize their calling— creating an environment where young Africans can find their place and serve their communities with confidence.
The RIASEC Board Game is at the forefront of our approach, offering an engaging and interactive way for individuals to explore their interests and connect with potential career paths. Based on Holland’s RIASEC theory, the game helps participants understand their dominant personality traits—whether Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, or Conventional—and shows them how these traits can translate into fulfilling career opportunities.
Alongside the RIASEC Board Game, our Specialized Career Kits provide a hands-on, immersive experience into various professions. From engineering to renewable energy, these kits offer young people practical insight into different career paths, helping them bridge the gap between interest and real-world application.
Our impact speaks volumes. To date, CareerKit has reached over 15,000 learners across South Africa, providing them with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed career choices. From urban centers to rural communities, our tools have been used in classrooms, community centers, and homes, empowering youth with the skills and confidence to pursue their dreams. By offering interactive career exploration and guidance, we are actively reducing the number of young people making uninformed decisions that often lead to missed opportunities.
Our mission is to answer the call for action and leadership that Thabo Mbeki spoke of—to create an Africa where every young person has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to society. We believe that, like Moses, every individual has a calling upon their life. Everyone has a unique purpose, a people they are meant to serve, and a challenge they are meant to overcome. For us at CareerKit, the youth of Africa are our people, and our mission is to help them break free from the bondage of unemployment, lack of self-awareness, and unfulfilled potential.
CareerKit envisions an Africa where every young person has access to the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to succeed. We believe in the power of education, empowerment, and community-driven growth. With our tools, we are building a generation of young Africans who are ready to take on leadership roles, create opportunities, and shape the future of our continent.
Together, let us forge an Africa filled with possibility, passion, and purpose—one where every individual can find their place and fulfill their calling.
For more information about CareerKit and how we are empowering African youth, please visit or contact us at 0610807259