
Durbanites prepare for the Best of the Best Marathon and 2 Oceans!!

• Bookmarks: 49

A group of runners gathered and embraced a beautiful Saturday morning as they get into shape in preparation for the Best of the Best Marathon. This is the last marathon and opportunity to qualify for the 2 Oceans ultra Marathon.

Ms Masibulele Khundlu; the spokesperson for Izitebele; who are the organisers for this community group run, shared that this event was set a road tester. This was for all participants who will be joining in on the grand marathon; the Best of the Best, which is subsequently set to take place on Sunday the 3rd of March 2024. The participants of this road tester have an opportunity to run and test the road in the 10km and 21km lengths; all this to improve the chances of victory in the Marathon.

Ms Khundlu shared that the participants of the road tester were left very happy, the route has been changed, and the hills have been shortened. She urged people to participate in these runs and work on hitting their health targets.

To participate and be a part of the Izetebele community run group:

Follow on Facebook and Instagram.

