Nampak Bevcan has launched its THINK FUTURE campaign to heighten awareness around the importance of making greener choices daily to preserve the environment.
The campaign is an extension of the company’s CAN CUP initiative, launched at Rocking The Daisies music festival in the Western Cape, to offer a responsible alternative to commonly-used plastic cups. This time around Nampak is driving awareness through an online advert called “uMama”, which portrays the reality of man’s impact on the planet.
“We understand that sometimes, even for the environmentally aware, the idea of “saving” the planet can feel like an enormous undertaking that is beyond the efforts of a single individual, making people feel helpless and eventually, even apathetic”, said Nampak Bevcan Marketing and Sustainability Director Klaus Hass.
That is why Nampak’s campaign is “creating strategies, collaborations and partnerships that will stand together to make a significant change.”